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Snapping Up Love Page 5
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Page 5
“Baby, I’m not the only one who must think so. The arts festival is using that photo of you for their promo next year. They’ll be sending the paperwork next week. I negotiated an excellent model fee for you.”
Her mouth fell open. “That wasn’t modeling. That was just... A shot out on the street.”
“I know. And charging them for it afterward is totally backward, but that’s how things end up sometimes. And Blue Truck loves your teacup whiskey shot. They’re debating right now whether they want to use your photo, or get a redhead. Or, I can just tint your hair a bit more red to suit them.”
I felt her freeze under my arm. “You said it was a sketch.”
“Sweetheart, they don’t have to use it if you say no. That’s okay. Just think it over, and we can get back to them.”
I felt her stiffen. “We’ve hung out just a handful of times, and I’ve ended up modeling for you three times. I don’t... It’s just not my thing.”
“You’re such a natural. What if you just think about it? We could go through the shots again together, and if you decide they’re not for sale, that’s that.”
“But you already promised them to the client.”
I shrugged. “I promised them as a concept sketch. Not final art. These things are never final until the paperwork is signed. They’re used to that.”
“What are you going to say if anyone asks who the model for the festival promo is?”
Leaning back, I turned her slightly so that we were face to face. “What would you like me to say?”
She shook her head. “I asked you first.”
Nodding, still thinking, I said, “I guess it might be easier to tell this particular client you’re my intern. That means they’d be more likely to hire you to shoot for them in the future. Right? But if we’re out at dinner, I’d be delighted to say girlfriend. Sort of a ‘need to know’ situation.” I smiled, but she looked unsure.
Her bottom lip trembled as she stared into space for a moment. “I think we both need to think of your career a lot more than... Whatever this is,” she whispered.
She turned to me, surprised. “What?”
“Our relationship isn’t going to be a total secret just because you’re afraid.”
She swallowed hard. “I’m not going to let you risk your business for me. It’s not right.”
“I don’t think it’s a risk. Maybe one person will give us a sideways glance. I don’t care.” I reached out for her hands but she pulled away.
“I’ve admired you for so long,” she whispered, one fat tear sliding down her cheek. “If people changed their opinions of you because of me, I’d never forgive myself.”
“Baby, I’ve built up an excellent reputation because I always deliver great work, and I treat people with respect. I’m not going to hide you. You’re my girl. I adore you. But you’re also going to help me continue to deliver great work as my studio grows. Do you see what I mean?”
Chelsea nodded, staring into her coffee mug. Then she emailed herself a copy of the intern paperwork, and made an excuse to leave. I hoped that she just needed a bit of time to think.
I needed her so much, but I knew this must be tricky for her. It seemed like I was her first boyfriend, and being her boss too seemed to be difficult for her to process.
But she seemed much more focused on my business than her feelings. She was always so giving. I wish she’d focus on herself and her desires a lot more.
* Chelsea *
I needed a bit of time and space to clear my head. Ben was taking a huge chance on me, and if things went sideways, he could lose work. I didn’t know if I could take that chance. On the other hand, it was his decision. His business. He was the one with all of the experience and knowledge, and he should know how to handle his clients by now. I might be freaking out over nothing.
It took a bit of soul searching, but I came to the conclusion that he should run his business however he saw fit, and maybe it was just my job to help, not over-analyze.
Ben sent me a text the next morning.
Hey, Chelsea. Could you please meet me in the studio around five? I’ll be finishing a quick shoot, then we can go over paperwork.
~ The Boss
Thirty seconds later, he sent another.
Hey, sweetheart. I hope that you had a good night’s sleep. I can’t wait to see you today. I know we’ll find a way to switch back and forth. It will take a little time, and there will be awkward moments, but there are always a few. I love you, and I can’t wait to see you.
~ The Boyfriend
I loved how he always made me laugh. How he was always so optimistic and light.
I’ll see you this afternoon, wearing both hats. xox
~ Your Chelsea
I was a bit early when I tapped at the door of the studio. I could hear Ben’s voice inside, but he was using a very different tone. Was that baby talk? I knocked a bit louder, then heard quick footsteps.
Ben’s smile as he let me in was definitely more of the boyfriend than the boss. My heart rate spiked immediately.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said brightly, reaching around my shoulders to squeeze me in a half-hug. He had his camera in the other hand. “I’m just finishing up a shoot with Bonnie and Amber, but one of them is being a bit fussy.”
Sitting on a large easy chair in front of a smoky gray backdrop was a refined lady in a blue dress, holding a small baby.
“I’m so sorry, Ben,” the woman said. “She’s almost always smiling and relaxed at this time of day.”
“Bonnie, this is Chelsea, my assistant.” I waved hello. “Chelsea, are you good with kids?” Ben asked.
“Usually,” I said, dropping my knapsack. “Bonnie,” I said gently, “No offense, but are you nervous about this shoot?”
She nodded, flashing a guilty smile. “Yes. Quite. I need a photo to send to my relatives in England, and they always expect perfection.” Amber was whining and crying, pulling at her light blue dress as if she were truly miserable.
“May I?” I asked.
Bonnie nodded, and I picked up the baby, instantly rocking her while walking around the room. “She’s picking up your nerves,” I said. “Why don’t you go take a breath, and I’ll settle her down.”
“Thank you,” she said, seeming relieved. She went down the hall to what seemed to be a small washroom, and I noticed Ben was giving me a strange look.
He cocked his head, and his gaze softened, staring at me with the baby in my arms. “You’re amazing.”
I took Amber to the window, placing her chin up on my shoulder so that she could watch cars going by outside while I rubbed her back. I began to hum, still rocking her from side to side. She stopped fussing and zoned out completely as she stared at the moving objects.
“How did you do that?” Ben whispered.
“Sometimes they stop crying if they can’t hear themselves,” I murmured, humming softly right beside Amber’s ear.
In a few moments, Bonnie sat back down, looking much calmer. She absolutely grinned when she saw that Amber was quiet. I rocked her all the way to her mom’s lap, arranged her dress, then jumped back while wiggling my fingers so she would follow the movement. She giggled, making Bonnie smile as Ben clicked wildly.
It was amazing watching him work. His fingers moved so quickly any time he made an adjustment, it was like second nature.
Still wiggling my fingers at Amber, I stepped closer to Ben so that she was looking toward the lens. His hand darted out, grabbing me by the wrist and holding it higher. Amber followed the movement and giggled again. That must have been funny to Bonnie, as she burst into a beautiful peal of laughter.
That was definitely the shot.
“Ladies, we have a winner,” Ben said. “Bonnie, there are at least ten shots that I know you’ll love. I’ll do the editing in the morning and you should have them by end of day tomorrow.”
“Thank you both so much,” Bonnie said. She bundl
ed Amber into her stroller, while Ben put away his equipment, and I waved goodbye, watching tiny chubby fingers try to wave back.
Ben took my hand and pulled me down beside him on the couch. “How did you know how to do that?”
I shrugged. “I read it somewhere. I didn’t know if it would actually work, but it makes sense that if Bonnie was nervous, her baby would be stressed out too. I figured it couldn’t hurt to pretend I knew exactly what I was doing to make them both relax.”
Ben squeezed my hand. “Your timing was perfect,” he said. He almost looked nervous as he said, “I liked seeing you with a baby. You were so natural and sweet with her. Do you want kids someday?”
I nodded, feeling incredibly close to him. “Yes. Only one or two. And not until I’m at least twenty-seven-ish. What about you?”
His smile was so warm. “I’d like two. But not for a while. I know a lot of fathers put their work ahead of their kids, but I want to be able to slow down and really be there for them as much as possible.”
Ben got up suddenly, locking the front door, and pulling the curtain above the couch closed. “What are you doing?” I asked.
He sat back down beside me, taking my hands in his. “Chelsea, sweetheart, I know you’ve been nervous, but I’d like to know where your head is now that you’ve had a little time to process things. I’d really like you to be both my assistant and my girlfriend. What do you think?”
I nodded slowly.
“Not good enough, baby. I need to hear you say it.”
I loved the way he always made me laugh. “Ben, I would like to officially be your girlfriend, and your assistant.”
“How do you feel about your new boss taking advantage of you right here at work?”
I answered by reaching out and pulling off his t-shirt. “Only after hours when that door is locked.”
“Whatever you say, baby.” He kissed me softly, then smiled. “Sweetheart, I want you to know that you can make all of the rules you want. I know I’m your first boyfriend, and this is your first real job. So if there are any lines you don’t want crossed, or anything that will make it easier for you, just tell me.”
I pressed my lips together so they wouldn’t tremble. “Thank you.” He was so thoughtful, and I realized how incredibly lucky I was.
My dress and his pants hit the floor at the same time, then he laid me across the couch, kissing me everywhere. Every inch of my skin was tingling from his touch. I loved the way my breathy moans made his eyes light up. My fingers gripped his shoulders as his lips teased my nipples, and my ache for him became a deep emptiness in my core.
Gasping, my eyes were closed as his teeth nipped along my throat, and I heard a foil packet tear open.
The rest of the world disappeared as he settled over me, spreading me open. “Look at me, baby.”
My eyes met his as he pressed into my wetness so slowly, his hands pulling me against him as he kissed me with a fire that I knew would never, ever go out. “I love you, Chelsea,” he murmured against my lips.
I felt him moving inside me, my body opening for him, craving him. “I love you, Ben.”
His slow, deep strokes filled me completely, as I spread my thighs wider, wrapping one leg over his hip.
“Mmm, baby you’re so soft,” he moaned.
His rhythm became quicker, deeper. He wasn’t rough, but he was confident. Passionate. I loved the way he overtook me completely, scooping a hand behind my back as he rocked me against him.
Our soft kisses were hypnotic, as his tongue tasted me hungrily.
“You’re so sexy, baby,” he groaned. “I’m already addicted to you.”
“Good,” I whispered, nuzzling his ear, “Because I’ll never get enough of you.”
The tension within me was growing, and his heat radiated through me. My hips were pushing up to meet his, pulling him even deeper. I could feel his shaft throbbing inside me, touching every nerve as I hovered right on the edge of bliss.
“Look at me, sweetheart,” he said softly. He could see that I couldn’t speak, only gasp. Clutching him desperately, he smiled as I came in his arms, crying out as I shook against him. “So gorgeous, my Chelsea,” he murmured.
His thickness moved faster inside my wet tunnel, and I heard myself moaning, “Yes... mmm, please...”
I was still twitching from the last waves of my climax as he groaned, staring deeply into my eyes as he stroked faster, his cock lurching.
“Harder... Oh!” I gasped, as he thrust deep and quick until he growled, squeezing me against him as he came.
He kissed me deeply, then stared at me with absolute satisfaction. “My sexy perfect girlfriend,” he whispered, holding me close.
“My gorgeous boyfriend,” I murmured. Then my eyes flew wide. “Don’t tell my boss.”
Ben laughed so hard we nearly fell off the couch.
* Chelsea *
* Three Months Later *
After being Ben’s assistant for a few months, I was falling more in love with him every single day. He was always in a great mood. When he was stressed over a deadline, he would become quiet and focused, never irritated. Even when he was dealing with completely unreasonable clients, he’d always find a way to get them to see what they really needed.
I realized he would be amazing with kids someday, but I kept that little fact to myself for now. Although there was no way to scare him off at this point. He introduced me as his girlfriend, his better half, to anyone within earshot. He told clients that I was the smart one, and they’d be better off letting me set up the details.
A few times he’s asked me to shoot with him. If the client picked my shot instead of his – which has happened twice now – he would boast to them proudly that it was my work.
He was my lover, my biggest cheerleader, and my complete life partner. When my lease was up in a few months, we’d already made arrangements for me to move into his house, and Dale could take my apartment, since it was much nicer than his.
It was funny how Ben almost felt guilty having me do little things like the lunch run, or the boring paperwork, but I didn’t mind. He had to deal with endless client phone calls and meetings, which I didn’t enjoy at all.
When I came back to the studio with coffee and sandwiches, Ben’s face lit up.
“Hey sweetheart, I got our graphic artist to draft up some business card samples. Want to see them?”
“What are you talking about?” I set the bags down and came over to the big table.
Ben started fanning out a bunch of cards. “Yours doesn’t have to match mine, so I asked him to doodle a few ideas.”
“Do I need business cards already?”
He stood close beside me, brushing my hair back to kiss my ear. “Yes. I want everyone to know that you’re here permanently.”
I grinned up at him. “Okay. I like that.”
Spreading the cards out more, they didn’t have a title. Just my name, contact info, and Ben Hayes Photography.
“I like these,” I said. “Very clean. Especially this one.”
Glancing up, Ben looked extra excited. “What about that one?” he asked, pointing to the card farthest to the right. It was similar to the rest, but the name seemed longer.
Blinking hard, I saw that it read, “Mrs. Chelsea Morris-Hayes.”
“What’s this?” I asked, picking up the card to show it to him.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, shaking his head. “I meant to ask the designer to drop the ‘Mrs.’ bit. I think it would look cleaner just with Chelsea Morris-Hayes. Don’t you?”
I stared at the card, then up at him again.
“There are some more cards if you’re not sure about that one,” Ben grinned. He pulled some from the bottom of the stack, laying them out in a row. Each card had just one line of text.
Chelsea, I love you more than life itself.
More than light. More than shadow.
I need you. I want to care for you forever.
Will you marry
I had to blink hard to clear the instant tears. Turning to Ben, he was on one knee, holding up a ring. I was frozen. Time slowed down and became fuzzy. Huge cushion cut solitaire in a white gold band. Ben was on the floor. With a ring.
“You’re always wearing light colors, so I thought this would go with everything.”
“Yes,” I whispered. I tried to breathe. “Yes,” I said a bit louder.
Falling into his arms, I knelt with him on the floor, kissing him wildly. “You’re crazy,” I laughed. “You’re insane and it’s too soon and I love you.”
“I love you, sweetheart. And I want the whole world to know it. When it’s official, there will be no hiding, no switching roles. Just us, together.”
His kiss made me dizzy, as I completely lost my focus.
*** The End ***
Stay tuned for Inking Up Love, Snipping Up Love , and more in the Insta Love Shy Girl Romance series. If you’d like this series to continue, please leave a review, even if super short. Each review makes a world of difference to the book search algorithms. Thank you!
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