Snipping Up Love: Insta Love Shy Girl Romance #5 Read online

Page 5

  Laura looked at me in shock until she smiled. “Sir, you are going to be incredibly proud of your video team later today.”


  * Katy *

  My body alternated between feeling like it was floating, and sinking heavy as a stone. I shuffled through the day on autopilot, even though Tasha and the other stylists were still being much nicer to me.

  I cleaned my station, grabbed my purse, and went out the door, expecting to go home immediately to have another good cry. But there was a huge black town car in front of the shop with the back door open, and Dan on his knees on the sidewalk in front of it.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped.

  “Katy, I am begging you for ten minutes of your time to watch a video. Then, if you agree, I would like to drive you to a building and show you something.”

  A few people on the street were looking at him strangely. It was obvious that he was not the sort of person who should be groveling on the sidewalk for anyone.

  “Okay,” I said, more to get him into the car and off of his knees than anything else.

  He looked incredibly relieved, standing up to take my hand and help me into the back seat. A video screen was set up, and as soon as I was settled, he hit play.

  It launched into a fast-paced account of Dan’s life. His education, his short-lived football dreams, his admission that he’d only dated three women, and never for more than a few months.

  His father had retired completely due to health reasons, and his mother threatening to leave him if he didn’t. Apparently, his heart condition required a lot of rest, and very little stress.

  When Dan took over, he went through the entire corporation, updating things and making environmental and ethical improvements. His dad was livid at some of the changes and didn’t speak to him for a month. But Dan needed to do everything that he felt was right. He even put a few advisors in place who had instructions to check Dan if he ever considered doing anything remotely out of place.

  Then it showed the amount of money and resources he was pouring into his education division, especially improving literacy. There was a brief clip of Dan explaining to a huge crowd of people that helping children read well was a step toward them thinking for themselves, and making clearer, more balanced decisions later in life. If their inner lives and imaginations were richer, their entire lives would follow. More intelligent children now could improve the entire planet in the future.

  The sharp, high definition video faded, then a slightly shaky low-resolution video showed Dan sitting at his desk looking completely lost.

  His eyes flew wide as he stared at the person who must have been wearing the camera as a pin. “That’s why we click so well. I’m trying to improve the world, and she’s trying to improve one person’s life at a time. I get that now.” He nodded, sipping his coffee.

  “She listens so well,” he said. “And I love that she was very precise. She didn’t take my word for it about measurements, she pointed. She worked with me.”

  “I noticed that too,” a woman’s voice said softly. “It made me feel more relaxed that we were figuring out what I needed together instead of her just telling me and playing the part of the expert.”

  “But she obviously is an expert.” Dan ran a hand through his hair. “She should have her own salon.” He stared down at his hands. “Could I give Katy her own salon? I mean, I have the money to snap my fingers and make that happen.”

  Looking up, he said, “I didn’t mean to lie to her. I really didn’t. I just thought that she’d understand me better if there was a bit of time for her to get to know me before she saw that other side of me. I wanted to keep her in a little bubble of just the two of us so that we could bond.”

  His voice was completely different. He sounded weak. Dan looked up, just past the camera, his eyes swimming with fear and sadness. “Laura, I love her so much I feel like I can’t breathe without her. It actually physically hurts knowing that she’s disappointed in me.”

  The video faded to black.

  Turning to Dan, my eyes were full of tears. He seemed frozen, not even breathing, waiting for my reaction. I leaped into his arms, holding him tightly as he took a shaky breath.

  “Baby, I probably don’t understand relationships yet. Help me. Please.”

  I nodded against his shoulder. “Thank you for telling me everything.”

  Having him be so vulnerable for me made me realize that he was putting us above all else. Putting me above his reputation. He must have had his employees put that video together, letting them see who he really was. For me.

  Taking his big, strong jaw between my hands, I smiled into his deep eyes. “Dan, I love you. We’re going to be okay, as long as you don’t hide who you are, and tell me everything.”

  He nodded immediately. “I swear, I will. I love you, Katy.” His kiss was soft, almost shy at first as if he were testing the waters with me.

  Then our bodies instantly took over, the heat between us immediate and startling. His arms wrapped around my back as he pulled me into his lap, kissing me so deeply my breath hitched.

  “Since I’m always going to be completely honest now, I should tell you,” he murmured. “As much as I want to take you right here, right now in the back of this car, I have something else to show you.”

  I nodded, kissing him again. “Show me everything.”

  Reaching forward, he knocked twice on the glass between us and the driver, and the car pulled smoothly away from the curb. We didn’t stop kissing until the car glided to a stop about five minutes later.

  Dan’s arms squeezed me tightly, then he stared at me hopefully. “This is just an idea, little one. Something to show you how much you mean to me. But if you don’t like it, we don’t have to do anything.”

  I grinned while giggling. “Now I’m curious. Let’s go.”

  He helped me out of the car, and we stood on the sidewalk facing an empty corner retail space. It was at the bottom of a medium-sized office building, but just a block away from an artsy neighborhood full of clothing stores, jewelry stores, and restaurants.

  “It faces both the business district and the neighborhood where a lot of creative people hang out,” Dan said. He hadn’t quite regained his confident, booming tone of voice.

  Taking my hand, he led me into the bright, open space. It wasn’t huge, but as I looked around, I could see where tape outlines had been marked on the floor. I walked in a circle, studying the printed signs. Someone had blocked out the space as if it were a hair salon. There was room for three stations, then as I turned to the right to see where the reception desk would be, I burst out laughing.

  Seven funky multicolored lamps were in a row across the floor.

  “You could lay it out however you liked, of course,” Dan said quickly. “I just had my people start the process to help you visualize it.

  I nodded, walking around. “I’d like a giant mirror behind the reception area,” I said automatically. “When people see themselves in a mirror, they’re tempted to check their hair. That would be perfect for when they’re walking by the window of a new salon.”

  Dan nodded. “Clever. Go on.”

  Walking around the space, I thought carefully. “Instead of closing off the wash and dry area with walls or curtains, maybe we could create a bit of a buffer with some tall plants. It would keep light moving through the space, and keep the employees better connected.”

  “Katy,” Dan said softly, coming over to take my hands in his, “My niece is a year younger than you, and has only finished one year of university, but she has been dying to open her own business. Maybe you’d like to meet her, and if you get along, this could be your business, but she could take care of all of the administrative work. Anything you didn’t want to do.”

  I nodded, wrapping my arms around him.

  “So, baby, may I buy you a salon?”

  I stretched up to kiss him, then pulled back. “That’s a yes, by the way.”

  “Thank goodnes
s,” he chuckled. He held my hand against his heart. “Katy, I don’t know what it is, but you’re part of me now. I need you to be my partner in everything. The word love isn’t big enough for what I feel for you.”

  “I love you too, you big strange man,” I grinned, stretching up to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for my new salon.”

  He laughed as I bounced up and down a bit while I looked around again. “It’s small, so maybe we could call it ‘Three Snips’, for the three chairs. No, wait – ‘Snips, Dips, and Sips’. We could have haircuts, dip dye nails, and martinis.”

  Dan laughed loudly. “Anything you want, baby.”

  Then he took my hands in his again, looking at me quite seriously. “Baby, I don’t want you living in that basement apartment alone. Will you live with me in the condo during the week, and then the north house on weekends?”

  “Well,” I said, raising an eyebrow. “I haven’t even seen the house.”

  He instantly pulled out his phone, but I put my hand over it, laughing. “I don’t need photos. I’m sure it’s lovely.”

  “If you don’t like it, we’ll choose another,” he said quickly.

  “Dan,” I said, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck to wind my fingers into his hair. “I’m really not that fussy. But I know I’m going to have to make some adjustments and get used to your life. And you are going to have to make some adjustments, and get used to reporting to both Laura and me about what’s going on with you. But we’ll figure it all out, okay?

  He nodded, kissing me again. Then he suddenly stopped. “Sweetheart, can we take a photo together?”

  “Sure,” I said, confused.

  “Smile,” he said, stretching out his arm to take a selfie of the two of us smiling together.

  He showed me his phone as he emailed the photo to what looked like a list of department heads. His thumbs flew across the screen as he typed, “Thank you all so much for your hard work today. Katy forgave me. This lovely young woman is now the first lady of the company, so if you see her in the building, please drop everything to care for her.”

  “Wait – nobody has to take care of me,” I said quickly, but he had already hit send.

  “I do,” he said gently. Then he froze, looking at me carefully.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Remember how you said big fancy things make you nervous?” I nodded. “Part of me wants to take you out to dinner, and make some big production, having a diamond ring at the top of a cake full of sparklers, or something dramatic in a crowd.” His head tilted as he watched my expression, my nose crinkling distastefully.

  “But my gut reaction is usually right.” He dropped to one knee, holding my hands in his. “Katy, will you marry me?”

  Now I froze. It was too soon. And it was right. I knew it straight through my bones. Yet it was insane to get engaged so fast. My mind was whirling, and I glanced up to see a handful of people with their noses pressed against the glass, staring intently. If I were with Dan forever, I would always be observed. It would be worth it.

  “Yes,” I said, bending down to kiss his forehead. “I would love to be your wife.”

  He jumped up and threw his arms around me, swinging me in a huge circle as I heard screams and applause from people out on the street.

  Then Dan grabbed his phone. “Larry, we’ll be out in a second. Call Tiffany’s and have them stay open for us.”

  I heard a faint but crisp, “Yes, sir.”

  I laughed. “We could always wait until tomorrow.”

  Dan grinned. “I think you’re really going to enjoy learning what it’s like to be a billionaire. There are many responsibilities, but every now and then, you can make a phone call and spoil yourself rotten.”

  Pulling a key ring from his pocket, he said, “There’s no security system yet, since the place is empty. So let’s lock up and go buy you the biggest ring we can find.”

  “Whatever you say, fiancé,” I giggled.


  * Katy *

  So far Dan has been absolutely wonderful with all of the details of our new lives together. With all of the huge buildings, grand vacations, and formal functions that we’ve had to deal with every month now, I was relieved when Dan agreed that we could have a tiny wedding. We’d only been dating for three months when we simply zipped off to Barcelona on the weekend of the huge fireworks festival, then had a small dinner party for around twenty people at his house when we got back. Our house. It’s still all so new.

  Dan has been incredible, building me up so that I’m now almost comfortable walking into large events on his arm. He always knows who I should chat with, and how to go over things with me ahead of time so that I don’t get nervous. It’s adorable watching him flash back and forth between powerful CEO and my sweet, cuddly husband.

  It’s fascinating to me that he doesn’t get stressed. He gets fired up. He thrives on pressure and having a million things going on at once. But he’s agreed to turn off and have quiet time with me when we need it.

  For our six month anniversary, we did a two-week tour of Europe as a casual second honeymoon. A few tiny details slipped now and then while we were there, probably because we knew it was already time.

  I loved that Dan came to pick me up from work most days, but he looked confused when half of the shop was covered in plastic sheets a few minutes after closing this evening.

  “What’s going on, baby?” he asked me, wrapping his arms around me immediately.

  “We’re putting in an extra vent in the back, so that even though we’re using pretty non-toxic sprays and dyes, they won’t build up in the air here.”

  “Oh, good idea,” he said brightly. Then he looked at me strangely. “Sweetheart, have you been working too hard? You can let other people take care of this, you don’t have to do it all.”

  “Yes, but I felt that I should supervise.”

  “Baby, you look a bit tired. Or is that just because you had decaf this morning instead of regular coffee?” he chuckled.

  I waved to the guys who were installing the vent, and led Dan outside. “Honey, do you remember when we were in Europe, and you were jumping me every ten seconds?”

  His gorgeous face lit up in the cockiest, most adorable grin. “I couldn’t help myself, baby.”

  “And you remember how a few times weren’t exactly as careful as others?”

  “What do you–” He became still as a statue. Then he swallowed hard.

  I smiled and nodded.

  Dan fell to his knees in front of me, holding my hands up between us. “Little one, are you telling me that there’s going to be another little one?” It was adorable that his normally booming, commanding voice was shaking.

  I nodded, biting my lip. I didn’t know why I was so nervous.

  Gently pulling me toward him, he kissed my dress over my stomach. “I love you already, little creature,” he murmured. “Please be good and don’t give mommy any trouble.”

  Glancing around, I saw people staring at us strangely. Our driver Larry was absolutely grinning from ear to ear as he realized what was going on, since he’d driven me to the doctor this afternoon.

  Dan stood up, clutching me to him and kissing me in a way that was nearly indecent for public viewing. Then he hurried us into the back of the car. “I need to get you home and naked now,” he growled, that commanding tone rumbling through his chest, making me tingle straight through my entire body.

  “So, you’re okay that it happened so fast?”

  “Baby, the only thing that stopped me from trying to get you pregnant the first week we were dating was that it wouldn’t quite look proper. I wanted it to happen on our honeymoon.”

  “You’re terrible,” I grinned.

  “And you love it,” he chuckled, pulling me into his lap and kissing me so hard I wasn’t sure whether we’d even make it back to the condo in time.

  I straddled him in the back seat as we devoured each other, shamelessly moving against each other complet
ely indecently through our clothes. At our condo, the normally fast elevator was too slow, as his hand slipped under my skirt and into my panties.

  “I love that you’re always so wet for me,” he groaned. He picked me up as the doors opened, and I kicked my shoes off as he carried me down the hall, letting them fall to the floor before he tossed me on the bed.

  A few times when we had been in Europe, we had made love without a condom because we were in the shower or somewhere else we didn’t have one handy. But he’d pulled out more or less in time.

  Since that method had failed so spectacularly, knowing what was to come filled us both with complete unbridled lust.

  He tore his clothes off in seconds, then his lips met mine as he eased inside me inch by thick inch. My breathing faltered as a low moan rang through me.

  Then Dan stopped, pulling me up to stand on my knees, facing me toward the giant mirror of the dresser. Entering me again slowly from behind, we were able to watch our bodies moving as one as he sank deep.

  Reaching back, I locked my fingers behind his neck as he spooned me, his huge hands caressing my breasts as he thrust slow and steady. Then one hand slid down to my belly, rubbing gently.

  “You’re going to be even sexier now, little one.”

  I tilted my head up so that he could nibble along the side of my neck. I felt his teeth dig slightly into my skin as I moaned louder.

  “Yes,” I gasped. “Are you still going to do this when I’m all round? When my breasts are huge?”

  His eyes blazed into mine through the mirror. “Baby, if you think I was horny before, you have no idea what the thought of you carrying my child is doing to me.”

  I could feel his control slipping, as he ground up into me with a ferocity that drove me wild. “Really?” I said in a sweet little voice. “You’re still going to make your wife come over and over?”

  He gripped my breast harder as he rammed deeper, making my body shake. His other hand slipped down to circle my clit precisely the way I needed it. Watching Dan’s muscled shoulders clench around me as he drove faster inside my wetness was almost too much to take. I’d never felt him this hard, this swollen inside me.


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